Who is Jesus?
Jesus came to show us what God looks like. Not only did Jesus come to show us the way to God, He came to be the way. Throughout his life in this world, He was letting us know that He and the Father are one.
God created us in His image, and He created humans that were perfect. However, the first two humans (Adam and Eve) turned against God to fulfill their own agenda. It was then that selfishness and sin entered the world, thus creating a separation between a perfect God and His now imperfect creation. Since then, every one of us has been innately born into a life of selfishness, sin, and separation from God.
This was NOT a satisfactory scenario for our relationship-oriented Creator, so He sent his son, Jesus, to Earth, both as a divine being and a perfect human. God showed us His love when Jesus died on the cross, and He showed us His power when Jesus rose from the dead. The God who created us was willing to sacrifice His only son on our behalf so that the relationship between us and our Creator could be restored!
Jesus was the perfect sacrifice, and the only One who could offer Himself as a proper atonement for the selfishness and sin of all humanity. In fact, Jesus pleads with the Father on our behalf, advocating for those of us who confess our sin and ask Him for forgiveness. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Jesus loves us, and He is our advocate! God longs for us to succeed in life (and in death) through the forgiveness of our sins and a relationship with Jesus. He alone is our access to God, and our hope for eternal life.